22 May 2015

I'm Back!

We've returned from our holiday to the Philippines. That's the reason why this blog has lacked any activity the past few weeks. Kudos to those bloggers who post during personal holidays, although I'm sure most of those posts have been planned, written, and scheduled weeks before their trip (I envy their commitment). However if you've been following me on my instagram account (@genymum) you'd see I've been pretty busy posting on there. 

Also you'd think after a few weeks outside your daily grind, experiencing things you have never or don't usually do, one would have loads of new stuff to write about .... not me. I did bring a travel journal, cause I always do, but not once did I write in it. I'll explain why in a separate post soon ...

But don't despair, I do have some personal experiences to share, hopefully my memory will suffice and recall all the things I thought "I should blog about this", or "this is going on the blog". 

As I dread the piles of laundry and cleaning I need to do ...... just to digress ... I remember when my family and I use to travel, my mum would make us help her clean the whole house before we left. I use to think "Why are we cleaning? no one is going to be here anyways?" As I got older I followed this pattern of behaviour because it was a habit. This trip I thought "Why should we clean before we leave?" so we left the house in whatever state it was before we left. No it wasn't a dump but the floors needed a vacuum, piles of laundry needed to be done and kitchen needed stuff put away. I realised walking into our slightly uncleaned home yesterday, was the last thing I want to do amongst unpacking is cleaning. And our arrival has added to the mess and effort into cleaning it. 

Anyways give me a few days to unpack, dust off the jet lag and start sharing some of my "experiences" from our trip on here. In the mean time here are a few more snaps taken from my camera phone.

Have a good weekend.

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