14 Aug 2013

32 Weeks

  • Third trimester, the final leg. It really feels like my pregnancy has flown this time around despite being at home. I don't know if its because I've been preoccupied with a child or have experienced this before it's allowed me to shift my focus away from counting down the pregnancy.  
  • I have an outie! I didn't with Eli. Just shows how much bigger I am this time around. Last week during my monthly check up the midwife asked me whether I can feel the baby move more? I replied with "Yes I feel like he's doing summersaults in there." And she replied with "I bet! There's still plenty of room for him and he's still growing." How much bigger is he and I going to get?
  • The third trimester tiredness has kicked in. All I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep but unfortunately don't have that luxury this time around as I have a little person who wants to do the opposite. I envy his energy and feel guilty subjecting him to boring home bound activities last few days. We'll get out to your favourite parks and play centres soon cheeky monkey.
  • More uncomfortable. I need assistance getting up from sunken seats or getting up from the ground. I don't even cut my own toe nails now the tummy is too much in the way and makes bending over unbearable. I think I do the wobble and I find myself leaning back when walking to counter the weight I'm feeling up front. 
  • Nesting. I've started putting a list of items I need for baby and have started sourcing where I can purchase items at best price, I've started auditing Eli's old stuff and started a spreadsheet for my my hospital bag. 
  • A bit of nausea when in the car and I'm not driving and certain foods doesn't seem to sit well with me either. Again experiences I didn't have first time around but riding it and counting down until its all over.
  • Child care centres for Eli. I've been scoping out a few last few days checking out the various one's available in the area we want to put Eli in. Most have extensive waiting lists and that's fine with us. We've decided probably not best to put Eli in child care, pick up germs and bugs with the potential to pass it on to a new born in the house. We will wait until baby 2 has had a few of his immunisation shots before Eli goes to child care so probably early 2014.
  • Where baby number 2's cot will be set up. Undecided whether to put the cot in our room or convert half the office room into a nursery. We need a bigger house .... anyways that's 2014's problems/challenges.  

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