13 Mar 2012

Never Enough

Yesterday Pastor GC preached at church. He preached on the story of King Soloman who had everything yet it was never enough. He took excessive to the extreme and still he felt empty. He reaslied through God, is the only way he could really value and truly enjoy what he had in his life. The story struck a cord with me.

I know that feeling of always wanting more, and more, and more. To me there’s always something better and because of that mind set I find I don’t seem to enjoy and value what I do have at that moment. My heart and mind is never at peace and it always yearns for something to fill it but can’t seem to find it.

Pastor GC echoed a really good quote … if only I can remember or find it online. It basically went along the lines of to truly enjoy what you have now you need to stop thinking about what you could have or what could have been.

I need to stop the whole “keeping up with the Jones” and the “wondering what-if’s” and just focus on my family and my relationships with people. Strong solid foundations start from home and once imbedded it will out last and out test anything it faces.

I also need to find God. I’m curious to know that content and fulfilled feeling Soloman talks about. The one that only through God will fill.
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